Cold Blooded Caffeine

Tarantula Kat Blend

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Roast Degree: Dark

Region: Central and South American Blend

Processing Method(s): Various 

Roaster's Comments:  This coffee is in collaboration with Tarantula Kat. Kat is a passionate animal enthusiast who turned her fear of arachnids into a deep fascination, ultimately becoming one of the most recognized content creators in the invert keeping community. Through her engaging and educational videos, Tarantula Kat uses her various platforms as a way to document her experiences in the world of arachnid keeping. From caring for her diverse collection of spiders to helping people overcome their fear of these misunderstood creatures, Kat’s content is both informative and entertaining. Her mission is to give these incredible animals the recognition they deserve while fostering a community of curious and like-minded individuals.

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